Friday, December 15, 2006

The political process enters a new phase.

"Instead of a 'national rescue front' led by the opposition some influential politicians here are considering forming a new political front made up of members of the government ostensibly to override sectarian and ethnic divides, and it seems there's support from Washington to form this bloc.
More about the shape and role should be clear when Tariq al-Hashimi returns from there as he represents one of the main candidate components of the proposed bloc (the Islamic party, the SCIRI and the two Kurdish parties) with reports about possible inclusion of the Iraqi bloc of Allawi, who already said he'd join the bloc if he gets invited to."
I have to agree about the problem of political Islam. Unless the process is truly free and fair, and all ideas are on the table to compete, there will never be a transition. That said I would have rather of had the political Islamism working within a constitutional framework of separation of church and state built in. But that is not available, and we now have to work with the constitution that exist. So all movements willing to govern under the current constitution should have equal access to the ballot.


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