Friday, December 15, 2006

Battling the Insurgency in Fallujah

"The Fallujah security situation; a nighttime raid with Charlie Company 1/24

As the the Iraqi Army, Fallujah Police and U.S. military work to secure Fallujah, the war in the shadows continues. Insurgents rarely fight in the open. Their tactics consist of intimidation, drive by shootings, roadside bombs, indirect mortar fire and the increasingly dangerous sniper attacks. The units currently here in Fallujah have yet to encounter a coordinated attack where the enemy maintained contact.

On Sunday, insurgents mortared an Entry Control Point just outside the city. One Fallujah Police officer was killed, and three civilians were wounded. The officer's lieutenant was visibly shaken and upset, and “The terrorists are crazy, they attack the checkpoints thinking there are only police or Army or Marines, but there are civilians there,” said Colonel Karim, Fallujah's chief of police, during a meeting with Lieutenant General James Mattis, during a visit at Fallujah's Government Center on Sunday."
The Fourth Rail


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