Friday, December 15, 2006

Aiming For Abdul Mahdi

"There's been an attempt on the life of Iraq's Shiite vice president, Adel Abdul Mahdi, according to Reuters. No one was hurt in the attack, since U.S. forces helped chase the gunmen away from Abdul Mahdi's convoy. But while there's violence in the streets of Baghdad everyday, there may be more to this attack than the brief news dispatches suggest.

Adel Abdul Mahdi could soon replace the ineffectual Nouri Al Maliki as Iraq's prime minister, and if he does, it will be with the happy agreement of every political player in Iraq except himself and Moktada Al Sadr. Thus, if Abdul Mahdi does become PM, then Al Sadr, who is regularly touted by a pernicious Western press as "the most powerful man in Iraq," would be reduced to a back-bencher thug, heading a minority bloc in parliament as well as leading a bloodthirsty militia that, he claims, he no longer controls. "
I have already said that I support the no confidence vote against Maliki. I would rather have the Sunni guy become PM, but I will settle for the shi'a guy.


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