Monday, December 11, 2006

My Shining Iraq...

"Had I known that by blowing a candle it can make people's prayers heard, I would have done it everyday of every living second. Im not talking about M's smile(altho he did smile when he found out its my birthday and teased me about my age), nor Iraq's tranquility, for I think no matter how many candles I blow and wish for those, they will be in a long long queue waiting to be answered. Im talking about another prayer, a small prayer that means so much to a particular person I got to meet here and care for. Care for so very very much.

Exactly a month ago, I heard some shuffling and colleagues scurrying about in the corridor carrying files and papers. I can hear laughter and loud noises. I got up from my seat and went to where the hustle and bustle was going on. I asked Z, whats going on, whats wrong with everyone. Did they kill sadr?Dhari? Bin laden? Did we win the war? Z shook her head vigourously laughing, no, noooooo, its even better. I opened my eyes, Better I ask??? I pinched her, cmon tell me, I wanna knowwwww. Then H another colleague said, its the Immigration. Immigration program. Huh???What Immigration program. Then Z explained it to me:"


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