Monday, December 11, 2006

AP Baghdad, Take Note:

"...Speaking of the AP, Newsbusters and Allahpundit are jumping on the AP's boilerplate citing a police source in Baghdad who requested anonymity because he isn't authorized to speak to the press. "Ap Admits to Using Unauthorized Sources."

Sorry, guys. Not a new practice and not an admission of AP guilt. That guy could well be a real cop, and sometimes that's just how you get information. From real cops or soldiers or clerks or whatever who don't want to get in trouble with the boss. And when you do that, you doublecheck it, make sure it passes the smell test. A lot of times its better than what you get from authorized sources.

Problem is, thanks to AP Baghdad's Jamil Hussein jones, we .... just ... don't ... know...."
Jules Crittenden


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