Sunday, December 10, 2006

Al-Qaida in Iraq Responds to Baker-Hamilton Report, Congratulates Somali Islamists

"Yesterday, the "Islamic State of Iraq"--an Al-Qaida-dominated umbrella coalition of extremist Sunni insurgents in Iraq--issued several policy statements regarding ongoing events outside of Iraq. Responding to this week's release of the findings of the Iraq Study Group (ISG), the Al-Qaida faction formerly led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had this to say:
"The military leaders of the crusader coalition forces, realized the necessity of withdrawing from the bog they put themselves in 4 years ago, because of the stupidity and recklessness of their government, and after the U.S. policy in Iraq reached a dead end; and, after the Bush administration realized too late the impossibility of achieving victory in Iraq, and impossibility of establishing a democratic state in Iraq serving as a model for the large Middle East led by Israel. After all these dreams vanished... the politicians in the Crusaders coalition stopped talking about victory or defeat in war, but all their talk and their imagination now is about one and only demand, and that is: not enabling the true mujahideen and Muslims from winning the fruits of this blessed jihad, and this is what the recommendations of the so-called "Baker-Hamilton Committee" are based upon. This committee is trying to do the same thing as the Sykes Picot accord, which was held around a century ago."
CT Blog
Right from the horses mouth


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