Tuesday, September 12, 2006


"I was talking to a friend the other night, and he said to me that the end of the ceasefire and the renewal of clashes in Turkish-occupied Kurdistan had come as a shock to the Turkish people. They believed their government, and the government-controlled media, that told them the Kurdish freedom movement died with the capture of Apo, and when the unilateral ceasefire began, lasting for five years, they mistook it for The End, for peace.

My friend is right.

Now, the Turkish people are angry and confused because they were lied to by their government; they have no idea why their children are dying. The Turkish people have no idea of the atrocities committed by their government against the Kurdish people. In this respect, their government lies to them by omission. This ignorance of the reasons why one fights is something that doesn't affect Kurds, because Kurds know why they fight. Kurdish gerîlas know very well why they fight. Kurdish parents know very well what their children fight for. "
the conditions set forth by Koma Komalên Kurdistan

You do a good job I think of outlining most of the problems I have with this even if you did not see it.

I read a version of those conditions, posted on a link here in the comments a few post back. I was going to respond there, but got busy. Anyway the problem I see is that it's all about the kurds, like if they were the only one suffering under the Turkish regime. Similar I think to the Kurds in Iraq that don't like the flag, because they suffered under it. Lot's of Iraqis are rejecting that claim, because they say they suffered too, not just the Kurds. I think you guys are doing something similar. Maybe your feeling the brunt of the abuse, but if the regime abuses, then chances are they abuse everyone.

Don't you think that if your tried to include more of the Turkish population in your quest for equality that your message might reach a broader public. Maybe there are others, minorities like the Kurds that also feel isolated, and abused. Maybe if your demands were more inclusive, you could bring more people to your cause?


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