Sunday, September 10, 2006


"...The Army has sent our veteran Stryker brigade -- on the cusp of a long-deserved homecoming -- instead back to Iraq to begin the equivalent of a third consecutive Marine tour of duty. The security of Baghdad is the official reason, but if you read between the lines, it is actually to generate positive headlines for the upcoming midterm Congressional elections. The administration is living under the fantasy that the Iraqi capital can be secured with photo-op half-measures that will somehow miraculously translate into positive media coverage of the results. On both counts, they could not possibly be more wrong.

The situation in Baghdad is bleak not because of a hopeless military solution, but due to a feckless political one. Prime Minister al-Maliki has truly found himself caught between Iraq and a hard place. He needs the support of the Shiite coalitions to which he belongs, yet is being made irrelevant by their encroachment on his government’s rightful monopoly on force. The Mahdi Army is literally just that: an army all its own. Much like the IRA, they have a political as well as a militant wing, and they wield both to considerable effect..."
American Citizen Soldier
OK, I can go home now, I can go to bed. It's done, I'm finished...I might as well, Buck Sargent has just managed in a few words what I could not do with years on this blog.

Thanks Buck, I owe you one.


Blogger FreeCyprus said...

it's been a civil for some time now...this one's gonna last while longer

-- FreeCyprus
Hellenic Reporter

8:21 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Yes you did tell me, and I listened. I think that right now he's one of the only milbloggers that's telling it like it is.
I have been trying to say it for years, I have been saying that this administration fights the war to win the election, and now I have it confirmed. And even you cant complain that it's some crazy leftist conspiracy.

9:41 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

fWhat people oppose is not the war, but how the war is being conducted. Who in their right mind would support a losing a war? To ask people to follow blindly off a cliff is folly that no one will support. Even B.Sgt does not support such a folly.

7:21 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

What amazes me is, what opposition? There is a one party rule right now, and they have failed. Yelling the opposition suck, rings so hollow in this instance. ping, ping.

3:56 PM  

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