Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years

"I was living in Paulden a very small town 30 miles north of Prescott Arizona on a 5 acre plot with 4 goats, 3 dogs, a garden and a pile of ducks and chickens. On that particular morning like others, I had woken up before the sunrise, grabbed a shower and was off to work. I turned on the radio which was tuned to NPR and had to turn down the volume because people were screaming into the mic, I immediately knew that something was wrong. The normally calm and collected voices of the show Morning Edition were in the state of panic. Reports were so fragmented so I scanned some of the AM talk radio stations to see what they were saying and there was a bunch of "oh my god's" and people crying, even worse then it was over at NPR."
Doc in the Box


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