Monday, September 11, 2006

What part of ‘Iraq-war’ is so hard to understand?

"According to this book “The Shia Revival” by Vali Nasr [listen to the interview]:
Baghdad Dweller
Click and listen, it's quite interesting


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Ladybird isn't allowing any dissension anymore. So what happens over on this blog. Anything fun? ;-)

12:08 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

You got yourself kicked out of BD, damn that takes a lot of trying...
Well over here what I do if aggregate blogs and news, I have a few regulars, mostly rightwingers, but nice people non the less that like to come around and argue with me once in a while. Most readers just follow the links quietly.

I know you like to post lots and lots of news, so I am almost thinking that I will regret it, but have you ever read the mission statement post on the side bar?

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You got yourself kicked out of BD, damn that takes a lot of trying..."

Heh... I wouldn't say I got myself kicked off. I believe that she decided that she would have greater success with the propaganda campaign if she didn't have me poking holes all through her arguments.

I'd say that I had been acting fairly restrained. No overtly racist comments (which is damn difficult considering the subject), wasn't being obnoxious, tried to keep a good humor about things... and if you knew my history, you'd be impressed. ;-)

"Well over here what I do if aggregate blogs and news"

Sounds like a fair and worthy effort. :-)

"I have a few regulars, mostly rightwingers, but nice people non the less"

The phrase "backhanded compliment" springs to mind. ;-)

"that like to come around and argue with me once in a while."

Nothing wrong with a healthy discourse and exchange of perspectives. It's one of my favorite activities. ;-)

"Most readers just follow the links quietly."

Where would the net be without the lurkers. ;-)

"I know you like to post lots and lots of news"

Like? Well, not so much like as feel it is my patriotic duty to inform the masses. ;-)

"so I am almost thinking that I will regret it"

Be not afraid... ;-)

"but have you ever read the mission statement post on the side bar?"

I have now. Is that an invitation? You don't want me spamming up your site like that.

Ladybird's site is different. For one thing, she's offshore and there are no legal ramifications for her regarding copyright infringements. Lately, I'd been intentionally weighing her site down. I had a sort of strategy to the way I posted there. There is a method to my madness. I think that's the real reason she restricted my posts... I was having the desired effect on her blog.

Anyways, check your mail and drop me a line if you'd like to talk off the record.

BTW... did
you see this?

5:04 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Like? Well, not so much like as feel it is my patriotic duty to inform the masses. ;-)

Well that more or less why I blog, that and a love for milblogs. This blog started our as a tribute to one of the best milblogs ever, right after they shut it down.

Is that an invitation? You don't want me spamming up your site like that

Well no I don't want anyone spamming the site, but It is an open invitation to you and anyone else that would like to post on this site. I direct all new comers to the statement.
The invitation is there to anyone that might have something to say first hand, and might not want to put their name to it. But I have been looking for someone to help out with the news around here also. I have hit up most of the regulars, but they are all afraid to post here.

There usual excuse is that I do such a great job editing, and choosing news to post that they do not want to ruin it for me...... But I think they are afraid to participate here because I can have a big mouth, and not shy to use it. Cuban you know.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of help with the news?

10:47 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Posting news about the war, I don't always have time to go thru all the news. I only have two eyes and most of the time I go to sleep unsatisfied that I have seen it all, and of course I haven't. If you would like to post news to the blog feel free. The instructions are at the bottom of the mission statement.

Just don't post anything to long to the front page. There is a trick on this blog that gets you the Read More link at the bottom of the post.

use the span tag like this:

Text that you want to appear on the front page, one or two paragraphs (span class="fullpost") the rest of the text that will only appear in the individual post pages. (/span) links and or comments that will also appear on the front page.

Replace () with the usual tag arrows

If you need any additional help just ask. And you can post anything you want too post, there are not rules, except that it has to be about the war, and it should be believable...

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy... I just know I'm gonna screw up your blog. ;-)

How about things that might not exactly be news, such as opinion or maybe a historical piece, can I post those?

If I make an account here, could you add me to your list of editors or whatever so people know who is posting?

1:54 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well I doubt you could screw it any more than me.

Again the rules are easy, "about the war" or "about war in general" I happen to be one of those crazy people that think that most wars are connected in some way. Sometimes in ways that we just don't see.

I sometimes cheat, and post about things Cuban or some of my other interest. But I get to cheat, here I am master.

By the way Jon, check your mail.

9:45 PM  

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