Friday, September 01, 2006

Pinocchio the Muslim

"In other news from the Middle East, Pinocchio, Tom Sawyer, and Pollyanna have embraced Islam. London's Daily Telegraph reports that characters in 100 classic Western works have been converted to Islam in the translations assigned to Turkish students.

For example, Tom Sawyer may always have disliked such chores as whitewashing fences, but he is more conscientious in learning his Islamic prayers. Indeed, he is given a "special treat" for learning the Arabic words.

Surprised? Well, many Turks will surely be surprised as well when they see their kids' schoolbooks. After all, Turkish institutions had been decidedly -- and proudly -- secular until quite recently, with the election of Recep Tayyep Erdogan, the country's first Islamist premier."
Surprised, maybe but not as surprised as we were to find out that Darwin is being challenged creationist!
If we do not lead by example, who will.


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