Friday, September 01, 2006


"Mehmet Ali Birand wants to know if Kurds will remain silent while Turkey burns.

He seems to think that Kurds have "important responsibilities" regarding the fact that Turkey is burning. Well, actually, to be honest, he never says that Kurds have "important responsibilities," but that "citizens of Kurdish origin"--whoever the hell they are--have the responsibilities. Now, this would hold true if Kurds were equal citizens of the fascist Turkish Republic, but the fact remains that Kurds are not even considered to be human beings by the fascists, much less are they equal citizens. In fact, Kurds have been enslaved by every state that divided them, aided and abetted by Western supporters of those states.

A slave has no responsibilities whatsoever, because a slave has no freedom whatsoever, and as long as Kurds have no political rights, no rights to the unique, Kurdish identity, no cultural rights, no human rights, then they have no responsibilities. Responsibility is a function of the privilege of being free, of being accorded the dignity of one's humanity. Under the fascist Ankara regime, such dignity has never been extended to Kurds. Since this is the case, there are no responsibilities for Kurds to "shirk.""
There is a place between complete submission, and mutual annihilation.


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