Friday, September 01, 2006

Iraq Qaeda-led group urges Sunnis to fight Shi'ites

DUBAI, Aug 31 (Reuters) - An Iraqi militant group led by al Qaeda called on the country's Sunni Muslims to fight Shi'ites and said those who died in the fight would go to heaven.

In a statement by the Mujahideen Shura Council posted on the Internet, the group said: "O' Sunni folks: You have no option but to fight those who label as infidels the companions of your Prophet..." referring to Shi'ites.

The statement could not be verified but it was posted on a main Web site used by Sunni insurgents fighting the U.S.-backed Baghdad government.

"God the Almighty has ordered us to fight the infidels and apostates ... and promised heaven to those who died fighting and victory to those who survive. Their security schemes and military operations will not scare us. They are cowards in confrontation and they only fight the Muslims (Sunnis) from behind barriers," the statement added.

The statement said the call comes after a rise in attacks on the Sunnis by Shi'ites who it accused of seeking to "eradicate Sunnis in Iraq and establish a rejectionist (Shi'ite) state to achieve the dreams of their clerics" in Iran.

It also said Shi'ites were backing the U.S.-led occupation forces.

Both Sunnis and Shi'ites have accused each other of fuelling sectarian violence in Iraq.



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