Sunday, September 17, 2006

Iraq-Ass TV!

IT'S the most explosive video yet of our boys in Iraq... especially the rearguard action one cheeky squaddie takes to deal with a gas attack.
Today we show soldiers going over the top in a secret home made movie called Gulf War Syndrome that reveals how they let their hair down off duty.

One sets fire to his OWN HAIR while he and his mates mimic the crazy stunts of presenters on their favourite TV show, Jackass TV, with Johnny Knoxville and Steven "Steve-O" Glover.

We're not naming the barmy army or their regiment to protect their identities, but their madcap missions include one squaddie LEAPING James Bond-style between Army Land Rovers racing through Basra.

The soldier climbs on to the bonnet of the rear vehicle, then stands on the front bumper before diving into the back of the one in front.

The same daredevil is then seen JUMPING from the roof of a 30ft-high Army observation tower into a sewage tank.

He emerges smiling, and says: "Gulf War Syndrome. The things it makes us do." Next come some HOUDINI-STYLE stunts as a soldier is taped into a packing case at the top of some stairs—and is then pushed down them. Another is rolled down a concrete ramp in a barrel.

Then it's ready, aim, SET FIRE to your backside as a squaddie's rear end explodes with the help of a colleague armed with a lighter.


Another soldier gets in on the act by setting fire to it as a comrade performs the "burning bush"—lighting himself up at the, er, frontline.

But the most dangerous stunt involves a man in a flak jacket taking the full force of a PLASTIC BULLET fired by a colleague at his chest. In other scenes a soldier strolls around a Naafi store nearly NAKED, while another crams more than 20 Brazil nuts into his mouth.

A source said: "The lads love Jackass and it was a great way to stop thinking about all the death and destruction we saw."

News of the World

H/T Drudge


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