Sunday, September 17, 2006

Iraqi Muslim Amongst Jewish People! Felt Welcomed!

"Last night, I did something really interesting, for me at least. I went to a Jewish Friday night dinner!

I am really interested in meeting people from all over the world and being in the place where I am is a great opportunity to meet different people. I want to meet people from all religions and all ethnic backgrounds and everything.

I have met a friend over the email when I was back in Baghdad. She is Israeli and is studying in the same school I study in. she emailed me first when she heard that there will be an Iraqi in her class and she was very nice. And since her first email, we’ve been really good friends."
24 steps to Liberty
It's seems to me, that's what we have been trying to explain to them from the day we got to Baghdad. Funny you would have to travel to the US to hear the message we brought to Iraq.


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