Sunday, September 17, 2006

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West [full-length]

“Obsession is both scary and TRUE! Every one of us is obligated to show Obsession to as many people as we can. Obsession serves as a wake-up call to the free world to confront the threat NOW, before it's too late."
-Joel Surnow: Exec Producer “24”.

Recommended by B. Will Derd


Blogger madtom said...

Well no, I didn't actually watch the whole thing, got distracted.

You know there were options, maybe I was naive and thought that Iraq society could be coaxed to come together, but I think that was a position from ignorance.

Iraqi society is fragmented and it's going to take a long time to heal. But just think, what about the rest of the Arab world? Are they just as fragmented on the inside as we found in Iraq once we cracked it open? Chances are yes. Believe you me that education is going to be an important part of any solution. But to use it first we need to build a stable open Arab society. I always thought that, that what Iraq was about. But the people in charge seem to have a different view. they seem to want to do it all at once.

I have come to think that they "are" working on a plan, You know I have said it before but it's more than just the "fly paper" I think they want just what you said, for all the different factions to go at eachother.

Unless the idea is to engender a low scale war among Muslims to exhaust them over time


9:05 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Damn a lot to chew on.. I think that "shoot them all and let god sort them out" is hopefully the last option, but an option non the lest.

About the majority thing, sure there is a small minority that supports most US goals, but there is the big problem with this administrations policy of allowing the open boarder for so long. That large majority which is mostly on the side line are easy fodder for those outside elements that come in to Iraq with their own agenda. They speak the language, you know not just the words but the local mythologies. And you and me know that there are many that no one would have even guessed that people believed. A clear and present danger that I still don't understand how those in charge seem to avoid.
Were does it leave the poor minority that is trying to break free of the restraints of the past and move into the future.

4:58 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

The north! Have you been reading Rasti? I think we may be losing the north. Slowly but surly there is a divide building between the US and the Kurds. Someone (Iran) is pushing that wedge deeper and deeper every day. I think that they understand better than us that the Kurds are a single people, living in different countries and are using this deeply felt issue against us. Again it the same problem of not understanding the local politics. As I see it.

About ship movement, I know nothing about the subject, I wish you would expand, and or share the reports so that I can get clued in to what's happening. Whatever it is it's completely going under my radar.

7:52 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

No I had not heard anything like that. The one we always get is how castro shot down U2 spy plane with a Russian missile without the Russian authorization.

9:56 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I se you took care of it.

9:41 AM  

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