Sunday, September 17, 2006


"In the aftermath of the Turkish state's contra-guerrilla operation in Amed this week, some 200 intellectuals in Turkey are saying, "Enough is enough," in a call to PKK to lay down arms and end its legitimate struggle for Kurdish rights under Turkish occupation.

How does one determine when enough is enough? Apparently, all those murdered by the Turkish state during the Amed serhildan, which spread to other cities in "The Region," did not quite add up to "enough," because we heard no call at that time for an end to the violence. Nor did all of those murdered by the Turkish state during the first round of the Dirty War (between 1984 and 1999) constitute the proper critical mass to equal "enough," and that was some 40,000 Kurds murdered. Obviously, Turkish intellectuals have some secret formula by which they determine "enough is enough," a formula derived, no doubt, by virtue of the fact that the intellectuals are, well, intellectuals."


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