Friday, August 04, 2006

State Department Language Deficiencies Leave U.S. Blind in Crucial Areas

"A new study by the GAO has found serious language deficiencies in the State Department, as well as career tracks that make it difficult for those with specific language skills to get ahead in their careers.
The study found that in critical postings such as Cairo and Sana'a, Yemen, 60 percent of the people in positions that should be filled with language proficient officers are not. In China, 71 percent of the "specialists," including those with security functions, do not meet the required language standards. In the Arab world, 75 percent of the specialists do not meet the language requirement that in theory must be met before the person can take the job."
Counterterrorismn Blog
More mismanagement from the Bush administration, feel good because he stands firm in the face of pressure. Stands firm all right, refusing to do anything about anything.

More like a deer in the headlights if you ask me.


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