Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"Examples posted by Zeyad, 1 June, on his blog, "Healing Iraq":

Gemini: Your parents have been nagging you to lay low and leave the country. Yet you are worried about an imminent death squad attack against your area. Plan your escape route carefully and keep a spare grenade for emergencies. Attack day: Thursday. Grenade No.: 5

Leo: A tip from one of your friends wrongfully ends you up in an occupation detention camp. Learn to distinguish friend from foe. Avoid female American jail wardens, unless you like to explorethe arts of exhibitionism and BDSM. Arrest day: Friday. Prison cell No.: 26
Blogging the Mind
This is a new blog I just found, I don't really know anything about the author "mimi" except she wrote this about me: (here)

"general, go with madtom for two reasons: He seems to have the knowledge and wisdom to see the big picture here, and he is a Floridian as am I. ;-D"

How can you argue with logic like that.
So give her blog a click.


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