Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Cry for Help...

"Woke up and as usual first thing I do is check my email...remember W, my former Iraqi colleague??? He sent me this daunting news

"Dr A had threaten and he leave the work some put a letter in his home during Friday night and he found it in the morning telling him to leave his job or he will be killed in 48 hours So it’s terrible here they are in work now and I know that and may be it’s my turn now so if you can found a job and decide to stay there just tell me then I can arrange my time to leave really I can’t stand any moor and I need your help now "

HUBBY and I just sat there staring at these words...What can we do??? What is there to do??? A cry for that we have no idea how to offer...a cry for help from not only a colleague but someone we considered as a young brother...

...Situation isnt getting better...The insurgents have infilterated the work place...I had my doubts on 2 or 3 people...Kept away from them as much as they tried being friendly....kept my distance...They cant harm me....but they definitely can harm the Iraqis that live outside the Green zone..."


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