Saturday, August 05, 2006

IDF Commando Raid in Tyre; Iranian Missile Resupply

"The naval commandos of Flotilla 13, one of the Israeli Defense Force's elite units, conducted a raid into the heart of Tyre, striking at what is described as "those responsible for the firing of strategic weapons from a vehicle inside a built-up neighborhood." The target was a Hezbollah missile team located on the second floor of a 16 floor apartment building in the dense, urban environment of Tyre. The commandos from Flotilla 13 were inserted via helicopters, stormed the building, and killed 3 Hezbollah fighters, then killed another 10 in fighting outside the apartment. The Israeli commandos took 10 casualties, including two seriously wounded.

The raid in Tyre is the " 17th time IDF commando units were deployed deep inside Lebanese territory," according to Ynet News, and follows the raid on Baalbek deep inside Hezbollah's stronghold of the Bekaa Valley. "The IDF wished to issue a message of deterrence with the raid, indicating that long-range fire deep into Israeli territory would incur immediate consequences," reports Ynet News. A similar statement was made about the Baalbek raid. "
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