Thursday, July 27, 2006

Al Qaeda enters Fray

"Al Qaeda enters Fray

The Israeli occupation of Jerusalem has long been an al Qaeda bugbear. It sent Richard Reid to case El Al, israeli airlines. It hit Israeli tourists in Mombasa and the Sinai. But Bin Laden always avoided investing in an area where there was already an active insurgency. He also could not join in with heretical Shiites like Hizbulah.

Ayman al Zawahiri today made a change in both policies. He wants al Qaeda to pile on in Gaza and to defend Hizbullah in Lebanon."
Juan Cole
Well I guess that now there is no more questions about who Al Qaeda will work with. No more questions about them working with saddam or Shi'a's or any ideology or anyone else that might give them some advantage, or further their agenda. I guess we can now put that whole debate to rest and agree that we were right and the DR. Coles of the world were dead wrong.

Update: I just checked and it would seem that my comment above was rejected over at Juan Coles blog. I guess he just won't admit he was wrong, and wants to keep his head buried in the sand.


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