Tuesday, May 02, 2006

US softens tactics in Iraq after British claims of trigger-happy troops

US forces are switching tactics in Iraq to take a less confrontational approach to civilians in response to criticism from British military commanders that they have been too tough.

American commanders are ordering marines and soldiers manning checkpoints or travelling in convoys to be less trigger-happy. Instead of firing into the air or at civilians to warn them off as they approach checkpoints or convoys in cars, troops nervous about suicide bombers are being encouraged to use strobe lights and other means to signal that they should slow down or back off. Troops are also being told to be less rough during searches.

Lieutenant-General Peter Chiarelli, commander of day-to-day operations in Iraq, has sent his commanders articles from the British press that criticised US forces for being unnecessarily tough.

A spokeswoman for the US-led coalition forces in Baghdad yesterday refused to confirm the new approach was being adopted: "This falls under rules of engagement and is completely classified."

But Gen Chiarelli told the New York Times from Baghdad: "I don't think it hurts us to take a look at it, and ask some tough questions about how we are perceived and how we act as soldiers here."

He added: "It falls in line with what I'm trying to do in urging a higher level of understanding and cultural sensitivity."

There have been persistent complaints from the British military and diplomatic corps since the immediate aftermath of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 that the US approach to policing is too heavy handed when compared with the relaxed British approach in the south of the country.

US forces have remained on high alert, whereas British forces scale their responses up or down according to the current assessment of risk.

In January this year the criticism came to a head when a serving British officer, Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster, said US tactics alienated Iraqis and exacerbated problems for the coalition. In an article in Military Review, he said US officers displayed cultural ignorance, self-righteousness, and unproductive management.

Gen Chiarelli, who took over his new post in January, has established a reputation for thinking beyond the simple use of force. He said: "We risk the chance of creating an insurgent, of creating somebody who gets so disgusted with the quote unquote occupiers that they get off on the wrong side."


OK, I guess I was wrong.


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