Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Suicide Bomber Slams Into Convoy in Iraq

BAGHDAD -- A suicide car bomber rammed into a convoy of U.S. and Iraqi vehicles accompanying the governor of the volatile Anbar province through the city of Ramadi today, leaving a number of casualties, police and hospital officials in the provincial capital said.

Gov. Mamoun Sami Rasheed's condition was unknown.

Meanwhile, violence took the lives of at least 30 others in Iraq, including at least one American soldier reported killed after a roadside bomb struck his vehicle south of Baghdad on Monday night.

The day's violence came as Iraq's squabbling Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish factions prepared to convene parliament tomorrow, in part to reopen potentially divisive talks on the constitution.

Iraq's disparate groups disagree starkly on the powers of the central government, and on the country's identity. The tensions sometimes play out in bullets and bombs on the country's streets.

The explosion in Ramadi and other violence ended a brief lull in violence since parliament's endorsement of Nouri Maliki as prime minister designate. He has three weeks to put together a government that may be able to stem the country's violence.

The suicide bomber in Ramadi killed at least three Iraqi civilians, as well as some of those trapped inside several burning vehicles, police said. U.S. forces quickly cordoned off the area.

Witnesses claimed there were U.S. casualties, but there was no official confirmation. Several civilians were killed and injured in gunfire, witnesses said.

In other violent attacks, Iraqi police and witnesses reported that an American soldier was killed by a sniper north of Baghdad in the Mashada area. The military has not confirmed the death.

U.S.-led forces say they killed 10 suspected insurgents, three wearing suicide vests, during a raid of a house near Balad early this morning. No U.S. soldiers were injured, a press release said.

A bomb placed inside a bus in the capital's downtown killed at least two Iraqis and injured five. Roadside bombs in the capital killed at least two and injured one.

A teacher, four college and three others civilians were killed in six drive-by shootings around the capital. A stray mortar round killed one Iraqi southwest of the capital.

Police officers in Baqubah said they mistakenly shot at a minibus in Baqubah, killing two civilians and injuring two.

Police in Baghdad and Ramadi discovered four bodies of men bound with handcuffs and showing signs of torture.

In other news, German authorities reported that two engineers held hostage by an unknown group since January have been released.



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