Monday, January 30, 2006

Officials Confirm Bird Flu Death of Iraqi

"Iraqi and U.N. health officials said Monday a 15-year-old girl who died this month was a victim of the deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus, the first confirmed case of the disease in the Middle East.

Tests were under way to determine if the girl's uncle, who lived in the same house, also died of the virus. He died 10 days later after suffering the same symptoms, officials said.

Iraqi health authorities began killing domestic birds in northern Iraq, which borders Turkey, where at least 21 cases of the deadly virus have been detected. Turkey and Iraq also lie on a migratory path for numerous species of birds."
Damn, could Iraqi's get a break, just a little one. All I can say to m Iraqi friends is quit wasting time and come together as a country, before the ethnic killings and decease kill all of you.


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