Monday, September 26, 2005

US Air Force launches new-generation GPS satellite

"The most advanced navigation satellite yet developed was launched on Sunday. It is the first in a new fleet of Global Positioning System spacecraft designed to help commercial users and the US military pinpoint their locations and targets with greater accuracy.

The $75 million satellite was launched on a Boeing Delta 2 rocket at 2337 EDT from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, US. Over the next few days, it will deploy its solar panels and antennae and fire an onboard rocket to reach its final orbit, about 18,000 kilometres above the Earth...
...The new spacecraft carries a beefed-up antenna panel, providing a stronger signal to ground users, as well as three entirely new signals. Two will help the US military prevent its GPS signals on ground vehicles, aircraft and ships from being jammed and also improve the accuracy of GPS-guided "smart weapons"."
New Scientist


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