Monday, September 26, 2005

Second Reuters cameraman in Iraq held without charge

"BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A second Iraqi journalist working for Reuters has been ordered detained indefinitely by a secret tribunal and the news agency demanded on Monday that he be released or given a chance to defend himself in open court.

Freelance television cameraman Samir Mohammed Noor, who was arrested by Iraqi troops at his home in the northern town of Tal Afar four months ago, was found to be "an imperative threat to the coalition forces and the security of Iraq" at a secret hearing last week, a U.S. military spokesman said.

He is at the Camp Bucca internment camp in southern Iraq and his case would be reviewed within six months, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Rudisill said. U.S. officials have repeatedly refused to disclose what accusations have been made against him.

"The authorities need to specify the charges against him and allow him to address those charges openly, with a lawyer of his choosing," Reuters Global Managing Editor David Schlesinger said."


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