Monday, June 13, 2005


"People have really been encouraging me to write a book since I started this blog. And I have been working on one since February. It's a fiction, partly based on my experiences in the military. I'm trying to make it comical while serious. And I will use the pen name Bob Sminklemeyer. I've been in talks with an agent, but I'm not really trying to make a buck or get famous. In fact, I turned down a screenplay opportunity just because I didn't like getting hassled by this producer. I'm not saying I would become famous if it gets published, but I really like my privacy and I don't want to end up in the tabloids for getting my morning paper in nothing but my boxers. To be honest, it's always been my dream to walk into a coffee shop and see somebody reading my work."
In Iraq for 365
One thing is for sure, this is bound to be the best documented war ever, or it will at least set the new water mark.


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