Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bosnian Jihad cinema

A half-hour long film about a Muslim sniper who is killing American soldiers in Iraq is being shown in Bosnia, reports Bosnian Muslim television.

The film is shown in central Bosnia where concentration of radical Islamists is the greatest, reports Bosnian government TV station.

The film is about a mysterious Muslim named Juba who is using a sniper to kill an American soldier once every day. The sniper has been doing this for several years now and each soldier is hit with one bullet in the forehead, the movie shows.

Bosnian TV news show 60 Minutes reports that the mysterious sniper has killed several hundred Americans so far. After each killing, the sniper leaves one shell and a message in Arabic that says “What’s taken by blood cannot be brought back without blood.”

The DVD also says that Bosnian Muslim Jihad veterans from the notorious Bosnian Muslim Army unit El Mujaheed are also volunteers among the Jihadists in Iraq that are killing the Americans.

During the Bosnian civil war in the 1990s, United States blamed and then bombed the Bosnian Serbs who were targets of massacres by the El Mujahedeen units and other Bosnian Muslim government forces.

The film about Juba is also sold as a DVD in Bosnia, and is narrated in the so-called Bosnian language, reports Bosnian TV.

Parts of the movie are also available on the Bosnian Muslim religious site where it shares space along with Islamic hutbas, or teachings.

Some analysts say that the purpose of the movie is to be used to recruit Bosnian Muslims into al Qaeda.

These analysts say that Bosnian Muslims are especially prized by al-Qaeda leadership because of their European features that can blend into Western society much more easily and be less noticeable during Islamic terrorist planning.

Bosnian TV says that there are increasing number of visits by Wahabis from Austria and Germany into central Bosnia where the film is being shown.


h/t RantBurg


Blogger B Will Derd said...

Tells you all you need to know about the comparative cultures. One man's porn is another man's barbaric murder. I'll go with my culture's version and hope they die a painful death.

2:08 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

I haven't been able to watch it yet, I only saw the fist few seconds before the title.

8:26 AM  

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