Friday, January 16, 2009

Egyptian Clerics Encourage Martyrdom in Gaza:

Egyptian cleric Hazem Shuman: "Why do we hate death? We do not avoid or fear death. We avoid and fear only the Hellfire.


"Do you want to enter Paradise? Of course you do. We all do. You will never enter Paradise until you die. Do you love the Prophet Muhammad? You love him very much. Me too. You will never get to see him or embrace him until you die.


"The reason for the 1967 defeat, for the 1948 calamity, for the loss of all our lands, for the fall of Baghdad, for the occupation, for Darfur, for the problems in South Sudan, for the colonialism that lasted throughout the 20th century is our hatred of death. Sheikh Amin and I reached the TV station together, and without arranging this in advance, we decided to come here to fight the hatred of death. We must love death, just like the companions of the Prophets.


"Dying means meeting Allah, so why do we fear death and martyrdom? We watch the martyrs in Gaza... We are not saddened by their deaths, because they are martyrs. We are sad only about the humiliating way they were killed, and about the humiliating circumstances in which we live. We do not hate martyrdom." [...]

"The Man is Under Siege, Living in Distress... With His Wives and Children in Anxiety; All Of a Sudden... They Find Themselves in Paradise"

"Sheikh Nizar Rayan, may he rest in peace, who was killed in Gaza along with his wives and his nine children, preferred to remain in his home, even though he knew it would be bombed. I talked to Sheikh Amin on our way here, and he said something nice. He said: If he had left his home, could he be sure he would live?

"The man is under siege, living in distress, in pain, in hunger, and in thirst, with his wives and children in anxiety. All of a sudden, the background changes, and they find themselves in Paradise. They are reborn, together, in a different kind of beauty and happiness. Can you imagine this?

"The aim of this program... Sheikh Amin and I have come to wage jihad against... It’s like in medicine. A sick man might have 1,000 problems in his body - in his hands, chest, heart, lungs, stomach, legs, and joints - but all these problems were caused by a single virus. The virus that afflicts our nation is the hatred of death, people.

"The thing that most astounded and amazed the enemies of Islam, when they faced the armies of Islam... This was discussed extensively in the hadith: We have met people who love death as much as we love life." [...]

"With Every Drop of Blood That Drains From Your Body for the Sake of Islam... You Get Blessings - The First of Which is That You Don’t Owe Anything Anymore - All Your Debts and Bills Are Covered"

"The martyr gains martyrdom for the sake of Allah. He is absolved with the first drop of blood. There are five liters of blood in the body. If someone’s heart is cut open - will those five liters flow out immediately? No. With the first drop of blood, you are absolved, and surely with the next drops, there will be other blessings. With every drop of blood that drains from your body for the sake of Islam and God, you get blessings, the first of which is that you don’t owe anything anymore - all your debts and bills are covered.

"The martyr... Tonight, we want to look at death in a different light. When we look at a martyr, we see him lying on the ground, his blood flowing, but the martyr sees things differently. He feels like a released prisoner. How does a prisoner feel toward his prison after his release? It’s the place he hates most. How does a fetus feel after leaving his mother’s womb towards that dark tiny room - the womb? Is it conceivable that he would want to go back to that suffocating place? That is how someone who has left this world feels. I hope that Allah will take us from this world as martyrs.

"He is absolved with the first drop of blood, and sees his seat in Paradise. When he dies, it’s not that the Grim Reaper appears by his head. His death is like a movie, in which he sees images of Paradise. He sits and watches these images, and his soul ascends to Allah. When Abraham died, the angels gave him sweet basil to smell, and his soul departed. A man smells a beautiful flower - a flower from Allah, not from this world - and he meets God. How can we possibly fear death? This fear of death must stop."



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