Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Laugh or You will go Insane!

"There's a storm coming, we can smell and see it as it rolls across the eastern mountains. One of my Captains and myself are standing on top of a two story connex looking at a distant spiny ridge through binoculars when we notice it. The clouds are beautiful but like lots of things here in Afghanistan; if it looks good it's usually a harbinger of something bad.

The ridge we're looking at in the opposite direction of the storm is several klicks off, low slung so that we can see the ridge line behind it. Pakistan. We often get rocketed from this first ridge line and we're now trying to figure out what the ANA and we can do about these rockets, really not much Usually they're set up on washing machine timers and then left to do their damage. By the time you see or hear the rocket, the ACM have scampered back across the far ridge into Pakistan. This post isn't about the rockets but the storm a metaphorical one headed toward each of us serving here.

I had one of my usual sarcastic posts ready for this afternoon, one about the supply system and how it fails to work for us, but that'll be for another day. This one is inspired by a simple question posed by a Specialist Fourth Class (SPC4) from the 101st AIRBORNE, who is stationed with us here on the FOB."
Afghanistan Shrugged


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