Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No! Nein! Non! لا!!!

"I really can't comprehend how much work I have to do. The work packs lie dejected on the corner table of the dining room. Am I actually ever going to do the work? Well, today the choice was either help garden. Of course all at once, I realised the importance of the work, and excused myself from gardening-my education is far too important. *Cough*.
Most of my subjects were straight forward. Equations, sums, one word answers...until of course, I remembered my language work. Now usually I relish reading, but this time I was supposed to write an essay. Now you would think with my lengthy blogs, I might have improved at essays. If only. So I read literature. I laughed at the stupid characters that thought life was so simple. I tried to understand the sappy love ending. Failed miserably at both. Now onto the German essay I had to write. As one of my visiting relatives passed, they asked me what language. "german". "Oh? (with an air of suprise.) Your siblings both chose french".
Fog el Nakhal


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