Bristol Palin's pregnancy was an open secret back home
He's a superhunky bad-boy ice hockey player from cold country; she's a chestnut-haired beauty and popular high school senior.
Soon the all-American teen twosome will make GOP vice presidential pick and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a grandma at age 44, just in time for Christmas.
Doe-eyed Bristol Palin, 17, and ruggedly handsome Levi Johnston, 18, have been dating for about a year, locals in their hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, told the Daily News.
And the pregnancy? An open secret in the close-knit town of 9,780.
Bristol Palin, now a senior, was frequently seen cheering her young beau from the stands. He graduated high school in June.
Wasilla mom Jennie Johnston, whose son Jade played hockey with Levi, saw the young couple in January at a game.
"She was in a cute little outfit like young girls wear," said Jennie Johnston, who is not related to Levi Johnston. "She was with Levi."
She said her son told her the two were already engaged.
"They've been together quite a while, more than a year," she said. "I hope everything comes out well. These are local kids."
Johnston, broadchested and wearing a No. 15 jersey, can be seen in photographs hitting the boards as a Warrior in action.
A closeup shot shows the handsome teen with a light dusting of whiskers on his chin - his dark brown hair curly and wet.
"Levi has got huge potential," Jennie Johnston said. "He's a smart kid."
Sarah Palin admitted Monday her "beautiful daughter" Bristol was five months pregnant and would marry Levi. The baby is due in late December.
In a photo taken on Aug. 28, Palin holds her infant brother Trig close to her belly during a campaign rally where Sen. John McCain introduced her mom as his running mate.
The campaign released word of the teen's pregnancy to knock down claims on Internet blogs that the teen - not her mom - secretly gave birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome.
Wasilla Warriors' coach Bill Sturdevant said he never believed that talk.
"Knowing Levi, from having him as a kid on teams, something like that, it would show on anybody," Sturdevant said. "He was the same kid from the beginning of the season to the end. No signs of anything like that.
"He was a good kid to be around, with lots of friends. He was well-liked."
A telephone number for Levi Johnston's parents, Sherry and Keith Johnston, was disconnected.
Bristol's pregnancy was no secret in the town that lies wedged between two mountain ranges.
The mother of one of Levi's friends, who asked not to be named, told The News that locals knew about Bristol's pregnancy for weeks.
Besides his hard play on the ice, Levi Johnston was also a bit of hell-raiser off it - another reason Bristol may have been smitten.
State troopers popped Johnston last year for snagging some King salmon out of season in Moose Lake, records from Alaska wildlife enforcement show. He had to pay $370 bail.
Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.
He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind.
"I never heard the story why," he said."She was very well respected, very kind to be around. She ran in lots of circles."
He said he learned of the pregnancy Monday.
"I'm sorry to hear this, but I have every confidence they can handle this]," he said. "Just like children should not pay for the sins of the parents, the parents should not pay for the transgressions of the children."
Damn that is cutting it close. I am guessing he is within months of a Statutory Rape charge. Or at least he would be here in Florida, if he was 18 and got his 17 year old girlfriend pregnant. I have no idea about Alaska. But wouldn't it be funny if his future mother in law/Governor had used her influence to keep him out of prison?
What do you think his chances would have been if he were Hispanic?
Well this clears it all up, apparently Alaska is a liberal State, more liberal than California when it comes to sex.
Montag Law Blog
Soon the all-American teen twosome will make GOP vice presidential pick and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a grandma at age 44, just in time for Christmas.
Doe-eyed Bristol Palin, 17, and ruggedly handsome Levi Johnston, 18, have been dating for about a year, locals in their hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, told the Daily News.
And the pregnancy? An open secret in the close-knit town of 9,780.
Bristol Palin, now a senior, was frequently seen cheering her young beau from the stands. He graduated high school in June.
Wasilla mom Jennie Johnston, whose son Jade played hockey with Levi, saw the young couple in January at a game.
"She was in a cute little outfit like young girls wear," said Jennie Johnston, who is not related to Levi Johnston. "She was with Levi."
She said her son told her the two were already engaged.
"They've been together quite a while, more than a year," she said. "I hope everything comes out well. These are local kids."
Johnston, broadchested and wearing a No. 15 jersey, can be seen in photographs hitting the boards as a Warrior in action.
A closeup shot shows the handsome teen with a light dusting of whiskers on his chin - his dark brown hair curly and wet.
"Levi has got huge potential," Jennie Johnston said. "He's a smart kid."
Sarah Palin admitted Monday her "beautiful daughter" Bristol was five months pregnant and would marry Levi. The baby is due in late December.
In a photo taken on Aug. 28, Palin holds her infant brother Trig close to her belly during a campaign rally where Sen. John McCain introduced her mom as his running mate.
The campaign released word of the teen's pregnancy to knock down claims on Internet blogs that the teen - not her mom - secretly gave birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome.
Wasilla Warriors' coach Bill Sturdevant said he never believed that talk.
"Knowing Levi, from having him as a kid on teams, something like that, it would show on anybody," Sturdevant said. "He was the same kid from the beginning of the season to the end. No signs of anything like that.
"He was a good kid to be around, with lots of friends. He was well-liked."
A telephone number for Levi Johnston's parents, Sherry and Keith Johnston, was disconnected.
Bristol's pregnancy was no secret in the town that lies wedged between two mountain ranges.
The mother of one of Levi's friends, who asked not to be named, told The News that locals knew about Bristol's pregnancy for weeks.
Besides his hard play on the ice, Levi Johnston was also a bit of hell-raiser off it - another reason Bristol may have been smitten.
State troopers popped Johnston last year for snagging some King salmon out of season in Moose Lake, records from Alaska wildlife enforcement show. He had to pay $370 bail.
Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.
He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind.
"I never heard the story why," he said."She was very well respected, very kind to be around. She ran in lots of circles."
He said he learned of the pregnancy Monday.
"I'm sorry to hear this, but I have every confidence they can handle this]," he said. "Just like children should not pay for the sins of the parents, the parents should not pay for the transgressions of the children."
Damn that is cutting it close. I am guessing he is within months of a Statutory Rape charge. Or at least he would be here in Florida, if he was 18 and got his 17 year old girlfriend pregnant. I have no idea about Alaska. But wouldn't it be funny if his future mother in law/Governor had used her influence to keep him out of prison?
What do you think his chances would have been if he were Hispanic?
Well this clears it all up, apparently Alaska is a liberal State, more liberal than California when it comes to sex.
Montag Law Blog
2 goddamn funny... Fuck
Bristol left the school she attended with Levi, the father, and went to a new school in the middle of the school year. But no one knows why?
The rumors are she was out with mononucleosis for most of Spring 2008.
What happened to make her leave her former school midyear?
'What do you think his chances would have been if he were Hispanic?'
What does happen to young Hispanic men who get teenaged girls pregnant, MT? I have been spending a lot of time on school construction projects in the Little Mexico area of Fort Worth this summer and I am not kidding when I tell you that at least a quarter of the teenaged Hispanic girls I see in that part of town are pregnant, carrying an infant in their arms, or both. Part of the projects are to build special facilities for teenaged mothers attending high schools in that neighborhood. The nursery is the biggest room on the blueprint other than the cafeteria. Since we aren't building any great big new prisons in Texas, I assume that we are doing nothing to the Hispanic men who are the most likely candidates for contributing to the baby boom.
But having said that, what difference does any of this make?
Where do the left score points on this?
conservatives think people should take responsibility for their lives. The pair say they will be married. Doubtful they will apply for Welfare or ask the any of us to pay for their medical bills. They didn't decide to just suck out the baby piece by piece for their own convenience. So does the Left think that the 'immorality' of premarital sex of a candidate's daughter makes a candidate unworthy of office? Then how is it that they choose a candidate who is in fact the product of the same situation? Other than some very tasteless, classless, witless humor, where is the issue? Will ridiculing a couple of apparently good kids trying to make the best of a commonly committed mistake and advancing really idiotic conspiracies really advance the leftist cause? It might among the really idiotic, but their votes are already spoken for, though there's apparently enough of them to literally fill a stadium.
Here in the great State of Florida it's called statutory rape, and what happened to them is prison, deportation, and or they get put on a sex offender list for the rest of their lives. But the point I was trying to make was about Hispanic men and white women, which is the question I was asking. And I doubt very much Texas is not building prisons. There is just most likely less enforcement with hispanic on hispanic crimes.
And about the "immorality", I would say that the immoral part of this is the hypocrisy of it all. You would think that these well educated people would know better, and would have taught their children to use condoms. Taking responsibility is much more than just not having an abortion, how about taking the responsibility of teaching your own children, and not going around telling everyone else how to raise their children? It doesn't really surprise me that some school in the "little Mexico" area of Texas would need a nursery as big as a cafeteria. Chances are they teach abstinence only education, so you expect the failure.
I don't have time right now to educate you thoroughly on the subject, MT. But districts with abstinence only sex ed have a slightly lower rate of teenaged pregnancy.
As for FLA law, you apparently don't know much about it. FLA has a much more lenient law:
Quoting Florida Statutes Section 794.05 - Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.
(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.
What this young lady's parents may or may not have said to her on the subject is outside my knowledge--and yours, too. It also is none of our damn business. I'm pretty sure those two were well aware of contraception and had access, regardless.
No my experience with the rape laws are all second hand for sure at best. But you cant be quoting all the applicable laws. I know people and cases where the boy was just 18, and the girl just 17 and he got a year and deported. It was a nica boy and a white girl. The girls mother filed the charges to punish the girl and keep the two apart, she really did not give a shit about the boy, and the state was just all to willing to prosecute. Maybe of course access to a good lawyer was factor.
You know one of the problems in some hispanic, and latino communities, is that these children are planed and wanted. Maybe they don't admit to it up front, but the peer pressure is geared to having children, the younger the better. I think it has something to do with old way back in the old country. In many cases the family is just overjoyed that a new child is coming. As crazy as that might sound.
I think my father had nine siblings, and my mother seven.
Of course the attrition rate were horrendous back then and people were playing the odds.
What I was interested in with this case was the law in Alaska, and if the governor had used any influence. As it turns out, that was not the case at all. At least according to the law blog I found.
But come on you have to see the hypocrisy of this lady pushing "family values" while they practice something else in their own home.
How effective are her policies when they failed her?
And we really don't know that this kid wants to marry the girl. That might just be campaign spin.
I never even mentioned abortion, but do you think this girl would feel safe seeking one if she wanted one?
You think these kids wanted a child?
Why would you force a couple, of any age, to have a child with a deformity, or a disorder, that they did not want? Why would you impose your beliefs and standards on other people. I for one don't impose my standards on other people when it comes to life defining choices.
Like when it comes time to pull the plug on someone. I leave those decisions to the people directly involved, and I demand privacy for my own family to make those kind of decisions.
You think these kids were safe from STD's?
Oh I forgot, you think there is no risk to hetro couples. so I guess that answers that question.
We can't know the risk for STD's unless we knew more about their history. I don't know anything about these kids activity, other than she is pregnant know. So it's clear she has had unprotected sex at least once. But it's harder to guess about him.
All we know is that he did not use protection that one time. Not much to go on, but not very comforting either.
"abstinence only sex ed have a slightly lower rate of teenaged pregnancy."
You can find arguments on all side of that issue..
"What about contraceptive education? Does it fare better than abstinence education? This is something of a loaded question, since comprehensive sex education includes both information about contraceptives and basic facts about the birds and the bees. It is a simple fact of nature that abstinence is the only 100 percent guaranteed method of birth control. Advocates for Youth found 19 programs it deemed scientifically worthy and which proved their effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, reducing HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, or producing a behavioral benefit such as increased contraceptive use or delaying the onset of sexual activity. Of those that actually decreased pregnancy rates, all included contraceptive education."
These people seem to think that your just misreading your statistics, and that the programs that have worked are comprehensive and include all the information and arguments. And we know from the last time we talked about the aids epidemic that young men are the least risk adverse group.
My point on the Palin girl is that whatever happened, happened between a family and this boy and girl. It's NONE of our business! I would have said that if it had been a 17 year old Chelsea Clinton. A young woman in that situation doesn't deserve to be put through the wringer so others can score political points. A man like you who does go on about individual privacy violations, etc. should be the first to take that side.
On the sex ed vs abstinence, there are many different studies with different conclusions. I don't think its possible to really get a clear answer without taking into account cultural ethnic makeups of different states and neighborhoods, etc. Why Hispanics seem to reproduce so early and often I would trust your experience to mine, I just know what I observe and what the statistics bear out.
When did I ever say there was no risk of STD for hetero couples? What I did say was that it was a tiny number of female AIDs patients who did not engage in sex with men or who had engaged in homosexual or intravenous drug use activity. It's a PC lie that the disease is not a homosexual and drug user disease that can be easily avoided with responsible behavior. That's a fact and I went to some trouble to show you that. But, since you seem to still have some misconceptions about sex (pun intended), it is absolutely possible for pregnancy to occur while using condoms. 12 percent of all women whose only protection against pregnancy is the use of condoms by their partner eventually get pregnant. They also get STD's, some that are usually prevented by the use of condoms as well as the several STDs that are unaffected by the use of condoms. Either you aren't getting any, or much if any, or you are living a risky life, MT. I hope I have just saved you from some potential disease of child support.
OR child support, I meant.
"It's NONE of our business!"
I will grant you that. It's actually frustrating. I try my best to scour the internet for news, hard news. and I get maybe 150 hits a day. I post one sex story, and I get 150 hits hour. If only the world were as it "should" be.
I understand that you can still get pregnant with a condom, where did I ever make that argument. The argument I make is that you reduce the chances. Like walking on the sidewalk, it reduces your chance of being hit by a car, but it does not eliminate the threat altogether. You would have us believe that we can convince large numbers of people to stay indoors at all time (abstinence) and they will be 100% safe of being hit by a car. But as a policy, that's crazy, you build sidewalks, and mark the streets, and crosswalks, as a policy educate people on the rules, and mediate the dangers.
"Bristol left the school she attended with Levi, the father, and went to a new school in the middle of the school year. But no one knows why?"
The most likely reason for that would be to protect the home towns statistics. It's an old trick, they move the child to another district just in time for all the social record keeping...or at least I have heard of small towns that engage in such behavior. Sort of sticking you head in the sand strategy.
''I understand that you can still get pregnant with a condom, where did I ever make that argument.''
''So it's clear she has had unprotected sex at least once''
You don't really think there are any sexually active kids who don't know about contraception or have access to some method? You think they don't know the consequences with girls walking around school in various stages of pregnancy? The best alternative to prevent STD, pregnancy and mental harm is to wait until an age you are ready, and by that time you will certainly have had many chances to learn all you need to know without schools teaching 10 year olds how to dress a banana in class. I can't find where the Constitution commands the government to get involved, either way.
I bet the parents were trying to keep her away from the horn dog, and vice versa. I have raised a good looking teenaged girl and have another currently, so I can see how that would happen. A military 12 gauge asaault shotgun on prominent display over the fireplace works pretty good, as long as you can carry off the potential assassin's persona to go with it. It's worked so far.
That is of course an assumption based on %. She could be in that unlucky 12%, but what are the chances? A billion to one. I could just as easily made an insinuation about the chances of getting pregnant on the first try. Most people don't, some percentage does. this is a blog comment, not a dissertation. I was trying to think down the middle and not get distracted.
I had to laugh, my dad had a similar system for my sister. my mother was the one who took us aside, and gave us the facts, and explained the birds and bees thing. You know I did not even get any sex ed in school, this is Florida after all, and if I remember correctly, my older friends, which were catholic, were sure it all had something to with the mixing of blood during the act. For some wired reason catholics have a weird blood fetish that seems to explain everything. Or at least the ones I knew growing up.
Sarah Palin tired to stop a clinic in Homer, Alaska from treating teens with STD's, because the clinic would not tell the parents if the teen's did not want them to. The clinic refused to stop. So an epidemic a was stopped.
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