Thursday, February 07, 2008

Al-Arabiya Sez Al-Qaeda Totally Blows

Sick Fundamentalist Bullshit
"Information was released today regarding an Al-Qaeda in Iraq training center for children. The discovery was found during a raid in Diyala and it showed young masked children training to conduct kidnapping and assault operations on civilians. I think it goes without say what a shit idea Al-Qaeda's caliphate would be, and here's an article at USA Today which will fill you in on the details (video footage is also here). Unless you're a writer at Lew Rockwell, who questions Al-Qaeda's existence, I think we all agree that these guys are totally fucked in the head. But let's take a look at what Arabic media is saying about Al-Qaeda, since their outlets reach the population that might get subdued into this jihadi logic."
LT Nixon Rants
That video of the rescued kid is compelling footage.
You guys know I don't know anything, much less Arabic, but you don't need to understand the language, to understand the kids mother when she gets her kid back.. I recommend it.

This is nothing new, I remember the pictures of those dead kids ladybird posted way back.
They were killed when a patrol came under attack from a wooded area, the patrol gave chase and returned fire, when the smoke cleared, they found the "resistance fighters" were all kids.

I'll go search.....Here, I found it!!

US troops do kill Iraqi children (Update)

Money quote:
"They [the pictures] indicate that a group of U.S. soldiers planted weapons — the same weapon, in fact — in front of killed, wounded, and captured Iraqi kids. I cannot authenticate whether Mr. Hersh is correct and that the teens in question were innocent or not, but clearly, something significant is amiss. At the very least, it indicates how uncertain the situation is over there. Our soldiers literally do not know who the enemy is, and apparently are willing to manipulate the evidence in order to justify their actions"
People would actually believe that the troops dropped the weapons than admit that the kids were being used. If my memory serves me correct, those conspiracies were fully debunked even at the time.


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