Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veterans Day 2007

"I open the door to my apartment after working all night and am nearly bowled over by a grey and white blur. George the cat is doing his crazy homeless person act again, making a break for the great out doors and freedom. He bounds out the door, across the wet concrete, through some shrubs, and - claws exteneded - up a tree like a skilled lineman gaffing his way up a telephone pole.
"So, it's going to be that way, huh?"
George blinks once at me from the branches, looks away and meows.
He does every once and awhile, dashes out the door and up the tree, only to realize that he is not nearly as good getting down the trunk as he was getting up. The first few times I helped him down from the tightly woven branches and escorted him back into our apartment. However, it didn’t take me long to tire of his game.
"Well, you got your furry ass up there, you can get your furry ass back down."
Thus the waiting game begins."
This is Your War II
I hate stepping on snails too.


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