Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Amazing question!

"It was a long time since I wrote my last post.
I fed up from the daily events, or I may say, the blood shed. But we used to the sounds of explosions and to the smell of smoke, the sound of bullets is not differ
from the sound of the jammed traffic. In addition to the very very bad electricity, not more than 2 hours a day, the neighborhood generators stop working because there is no fuel. To make it short, I decided not to write any more till the situation change to the better.
A question from one of the readers make me change my mind. The question is:
((it always amazes me when America gets blamed for suicide bombers, kidnappers, people beheading innocents, murdering militias, et al.))"
A Citizen of Mosul
First let me welcome you back. I had been worried from your absence, only your daughters posting told me you were still alive. Yet we all know that just breathing is not always living. So we still do worry.

OK now to your question. I am afraid your wrong. These things did exist in Iraq before America came to town, what has changed is that now it happens in the open, and it happens on TV and the newspapers. What America brought was a bright light that has illuminated much of what before was hidden in the darkness of the shadows.


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