Tuesday, January 16, 2007

next in line....

"A surprise move caught a few people off balance this weekend in Havana.... In a meeting on Friday, raul Caligula kagasstro suggested that the next person in the succession line is.... fidelito. Our eavesdropper reports that some of the senior honchos reacted a bit surprised, but that the majority of them seem to agree that a younger kasstro is a good (ass)et to take the reins of Cuba once "uncle" (auntie?) retires. Ah, how nice. If this is not a monarchy I don't know what it is.
Take note W. Take note Ted Kennedy. You DON'T know what's a political dynasty.
A family with political clout in Cuba, the States, and big bang bucks in Spain is in power in that neighboring island."
I say we just nuke them now, and let god sort them out.


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