Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rules of the Western Media in dealing with the Middle East

"Media Bias - Palestine and Israel


Rules of the Western Media in dealing with the Middle East - 1

Rule 1: See the Middle East through Israeli eyes.
Rule 2: Treat American and Israeli governmental statements as hard news.
Rule 3: Ignore the historical context.
Rule 4: Avoid the fundamental legal and moral issues posed by the Israeli occupation.
Rule 5: Suppress or minimize news unfavorable to the Israelis.
Rule 6: Muddy the waters when necessary.
Rule 7: Credit all Israeli claims, even if wholly unfounded.
Rule 8: Doubt all Palestinian assertions, no matter how self-evident.
Rule 9: Condemn only Palestinian violence.
Rule 10: Disparage the international consensus supporting Palestinian rights.
– The Media's Middle East Rules of Engagement by Robin Miller, 06 June 2002"
Knowledge is Light
OK, here is the thing, Israel is part of a club of nations dedicated to democracy, self determination, freedom, free expression and international trade.

On the other hand the Palestinians are part of another group of nations dedicated to dictatorship, totalitarianism, iron rule, single party, media censure, religious fever and intolerance, to name a few.

You can see for yourself why there might be a bias, and why from a media point of view that bias is justified. It would be suicide for much of the free media to be any other way, as their work would become "illegal" if that other group of nations were to prevail over the club of democracies.


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