Wednesday, December 06, 2006

pre Thanksgiving

"Last Thanksgiving Doc got into a firefight right after overeating a giant dinner. It didn't go well. Doop had already been shot, G-man had two purple heart episodes, Sara was dead, and Doc, instead of going home or to Germany was threatened with malingering if he didn't get back out. At times, like today, he talks about how the DOD has cut benefits for Veterans. At times he talks about how great the care is for Veterans. It never matches up. I feel the same about Schwartznegger- But teacher salaries are a whole other ballgame.

When it comes to his injury from a roadside bomb, the Army didn't give him an MRI, let alone a brain trauma test. He did get some time off. Instead of going home, they gave him turkey and sent him back on duty. He may have helped Coop get settled after the neck shot, but how the hell did he even get dressed? Sometimes now I wonder the same thing.
I remember that he couldn't put on gear to get to PT. I remember Rocketman.......... I remember hating the thought that he would be out on the Baghdad streets without the ability to even button his shirt. It was one big frustration. On the one hand, I was supposed to trust the Army with his life, and certainly not judge the Army. "
I just found this milblog, have not even had the time to read much more than you see here.

I take if from a quick read that this blog is dedicated to the war story from the home front point of view. The war that starts when the men come home, the one that might never end for the wives mothers and daughters of our soldiers. I've added it to the rotation.


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