Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Iraqi resistance, the only hope for Iraq

"Once again, Anbar is a no-go zone for US soldiers.

As is Baghdad.

And pretty much elsewhere.

There are currently more than 250,000 US soldiers operating in Iraq ... and they will soon "cut and run" in shame as they did in Vietnam, Lebanon, Somalia and almost every other military misadventure since the Second World War.

Yes, 250,000 as a new report indicates there are 100,000 "civilian" contractors in Iraq now. Sixteen less in the past 15 days."
Truth about Iraqis
Sounds like good news to me. When your hear these people rant and rave you know they are really felling the heat.


Blogger Sean Dustman said...

Wow, 250,000 of us? They must have been in the next town or something.

1:31 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well with all due respect to Truth about Iraqi's ranting, he's adding up 150,000 US military and 100.000 security contractors, and ignoring the different roles they play.

You could argue about the value of using private security contractors, but Truth isn't doing that he's just ranting.

You can try following the link and discussing the pros and cons of using private contractors with him. At times he's been a reasonable guy, but at the moment he's in a purely ranting mode, low on meds I think, and ignoring any comments that don't already agree with his current mod.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Sean Dustman said...

I agree with you there, he does need some better meds, PTSD? Where is Salam Pax on his list of Iraqi bloggers? I guess gay Iraqi bloggers should be beheaded.

1:21 AM  

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