Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Home Stretch

"As we all know, that our deployment is beyond it's half way point. For those that knew and for those that didn't know, I just got back from R&R. I went home to the Philippines, where all my family is at. It was kinda of a culture shock seeing all the people, traffic, and things that you normally don't see over here. My time in the Philippines was great. I got a chance to see my family and especially my mother. The first couple days were kinda rough, due to the storm that hit right when I arrived. I got a chance to take care of alot things that needed to be done and enjoy my stay as well. It was rough saying good-bye to my family, but my obligation with the unit isn't done yet. I know they will be there when I'm done with my tour here. In just a matter of months I will see them again. "


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