Friday, December 01, 2006

How about ‘Go Smart’?

"One Pentagon plan for fixing Iraq that is allegedly under discussion these days is called ‘Go Big, Go Long or Go Home.’ The military planners should begin with ‘Go Smart.’

Most of the debate on Iraq has been distorted by the ‘Flee, flee, the sky is falling’ variety. The cacophony of political venom, snap expertise and sheer intellectual lethargy is drowning out any meaningful and practical suggestions that address the original problem of what to do about the insurgency.

Sure there must be a political component to tampering down the insurgency, but the insurgents won’t find a reason to sit down at the negotiating table if they continue believing that they will win eventually. An effective counterinsurgency effort—one that tells them that they are doomed if they stick to violence—is the wake-up call that the bad guys need.

Let us start out by asking: “Have we done all that is operationally possible to win?” The insurgents have made use of advances in technology to operate nimbly and propagate loudly, but has America’s technological superiority been leveraged against them?

The blunt answer is no, "
Talisman Gate
Are you crazy, some of that stuff actually makes sense. No one is going to even remotely consider something that might make sense.


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