Friday, December 01, 2006

Hunting the Takfiris in Iraq

"DUBAI, UAE: Task Force 145, the Coalition hunter-killer teams that focus on al-Qaeda in Iraq, have been busy over the past week. Multinational Forces Iraq reports Ansar al-Sunnah leadership has taken a hit in central, western and northern Iraq, while a raid nabbed 8 al-Qaeda.

During raids in mid-November, Coaliton forces "captured the terrorist emirs [of Ansar al Sunnah in] Ramadi, Baqubah, Tikrit, al Qa’im, Bayji and Baghdad. They also captured two terrorist facilitators, a courier, an explosives expert and a financier." The capture and subsequent interrogations will yield further information on Ansar al-Sunnah's network."
The Fourth Rail


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