Friday, December 01, 2006


"Noble Eagle excerpts and comments on recent remarks by Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive.

Money quote(s):

"We've been waging law-enforcement and diplomacy against these terrorist jackasses and their enablers when we should have been waging war.

I think our first target should be that snotty little pot-bellied pig Muqtada al-Sadr. Take him and his top henchmen out in rapid succession, and the Shiite militias will be in disarray. To keep them in disarray, we need to cut off their support from Iran, which means closing the border. That'll take more troops, but it'd be worth it. It's time to stop screwing around with these guys and start playing for keeps.
Consul at Arms
It's hard to argue with that. We have only been screaming it at the top of our lungs for the last 2 1/2 years. Maybe now that the people in the know are saying the same things, someone will listen


Blogger Consul-At-Arms said...

Thanks for the h/t; I've linked back to you here:

7:35 PM  

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