Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Goldwater/Libertarian wing of the Democratic Party

"Growing bureaucracy. Out of control spending. Meddling by the state in our personal lives. This is all a libertarian’s nightmare. It is also descriptive of the current Republican controlled federal government. Here are two writers on alternatives.

Andrew Sullivan on Goldwater Democrats:...

Markos Moulitsas, of Daily Kos, on libertarian Democrats:..."


Blogger madtom said...

If you want America where Church rules then vote Democratic Medievalism.

Hey welcome to the blog, but don't you have it backwards?
I can't say I read your very long post, buy I did screen it and from what I saw you get most of your points exactly wrong. I would suggest you take a better look at the issues and come back with something that is shorter, and more to the point.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

I deleted that guy's comment. Besides the fact that his article and it's writer are entirely full of crap, it was uncool of him to spam the blog. Tell me if I'm being too harsh.

On the thread topic, there is no such thing as a libertarian Democrat. Any time you introduce anything other than liberatarianism into your libertarianism, you cease to be a libertarian. You can be a liberal Democrat, but not a libertarian Democrat. It's like Noam Chomsky calling himself a libertarian socialist. It's an oxymoron. In politics, you're either a communist, a fascist or a libertarian. Never do any of the three combine.

If you aren't any of those three, then the only other thing you can be is an anarchist.

I'm tired of hearing people say they are a libertarian slash anything else. What they actually mean is liberal. By misusing the term libertarian, they sully the term libertarian and confuse people as to what a libertarian is.

3:01 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well I rather argue than delete, though that long post was so full of crap I was thinking of doing it too.

I personally don't believe in bright lines, I see a lot of libertarian ideas and they speak to me, I wonder how libertarians can vote on the republican side. With all their social order moral values, I find it harder to to swing republican. Now I know I'm not a libertarian, because I like many big government projects, I am for social welfare, public funding of science and exploration, social safety nets and infrastructure works.

But as it relates to personal freedoms I am very much in favor of live and let live ideology. but again I won't draw a bright line. Some things go to far, they cross the line and give one person rights over someone else, or cross a line of common social order. so there are limits even for me.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

In favor or not, the lines exist. What you are is a liberal communist (utopian) that votes fascist. ;-)

1:49 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

No offense. ;-)

1:49 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Let me just warn you here, just in case, but never call a Cuban American a communist to his face, not even as a joke. Sometime you might see a few Cubans and they might call each other commies, or something, but that's like black people calling each other niggars. If you do it you will find out what an angry Cuban looks like real fast.

About the fascist, I have never voted republican ever, not sure where you got that idea.

1:55 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Did you know we got like 196 hits today, lot's of people read your post Islam, terror..

2:04 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

"never call a Cuban American a communist to his face"

Heh, funny. I'm not the most PC motherfucker in the world as you might have noticed. However, when I use the words communist and fascist, they mean something different than the vernacular usage.

When most people use the word communist, they probably mean hippy or anti-establishment or something along that vein. But, scientificially speaking, a communist is someone who believes in social welfare and government controls the means of production to provide that welfare. Robin Hood called that robbing the rich to give to the poor. Those are the views you expressed in your post and all I am doing is telling you the proper name.

When people say fascist today, they probably mean to be using the term nazi or something along that vein. But, scientifically speaking, fascism is when the means of production (corporations) take over the government, such as you see in the US today. The Democrats, being just as beholden to corporate power as the Republicans are, are just as fascist as the Republicans. The Democrats throw bones to the poor probably because they feel guilty about being privileged and so they probably come across as less fascist, but the mechanics of the situation are different.

So, when I say that you are a communist that votes fascist, it's not a slur. It's just the scientific analysis of the situation. If that's not what you were expecting, you possibly are voting for the wrong party or you are just unfamiliar with the political science terms that describe what your beliefs are.

I'm not comparing you to a totalitarian communist like Chairman Mao or anything like that. You're a liberal and I respect that you aren't willing to toss people in prison to achieve your ends, but that is the ultimate and unavoidable end result of leaning either left or right. At some point you will need to use violence to enforce your system, because one part or society or another is being treated unfairly and will revolt in some manner.

Go here and take this test...

If you see that you are left of the center line, that is defined as communist. If you are right, it is defined as fascist. I don't believe in the shades of gray where some people say they are just socialist and so therefore not a communist, because scientifically speaking, it's an absolute system, socialism just being a stepping-stone to totalitarian communism.

I nutshelled the topic more than I should, but you get the idea.

"lot's of people read your post Islam, terror.."

Nah, I just read it over and over 196 times. ;-)

Kidding. It was an interesting article. Glad people took notice.

4:28 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

"The Democrats throw bones to the poor probably because they feel guilty about being privileged and so they probably come across as less fascist, but the mechanics of the situation are different."

I meant to say the mechanics of the situation are the same.

4:30 PM  

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