Monday, September 18, 2006

118 Nations Gather for NAM Summit

Last week, 118 member nations of the Non-Aligned Movement gathered for it's 14th triennial summit in Havana, Cuba. Fidel Castro was elected chairman of the organization for the next three years, but due to health problems, was unable to attend. Fidel's brother, Raul Castro Ruz, accepted the position on Fidel's behalf.

Some of the topics of the summit were Israel's recent retaliation against Lebanon, a peaceful resolution to the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, UN Security Council veto power, and a condemnation of terrorism - with the exception of "the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self determination and national liberation."

Most speeches and resolutions contained veiled criticisms of the US, UN and Israel, but some US friendly nations, such as India and Pakistan, insisted that the summit was not anti-anyone.

The United States was invited to the summit, but the US administration declined to attend or comment on the proceedings.

14th NAM Summit Official Site

Additional Articles:

The News International - Nam Summit begins in Havana
The Washington Times - Anti-U.S. allies back Iran nukes

The Hindu National - NAM totally opposed to terrorism: declaration - Castro's brother lashes out at U.S. at summit
BBC News - Cuba summit sends strong message - Non-aligned states line up against US
The Taipei Times - Non-aligned summit wraps up in Cuba


Blogger madtom said...

Hey Jon I see that you've finally posted something Good job. I think you may have noticed that the post on this blog scroll constantly down as new post get added. So to keep something near the top you have to post new material all the time.

2:12 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I was trying to ass your email address to the comment notification on blogger but they only allow one address.
So I am working on a work around, I was thinking that if I open a new email that will sent out copies of everything it receives in out to another email that I could make it work.
But that is still a work in progress.

2:42 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I am not the most computer savvy person, so who knows if this worked...

Testing 123 testing

2:59 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

"Hey Jon I see that you've finally posted something Good job."

Yes, I finally posted. I'll try to find at least one interesting thing to post about a day and aggregate some articles on the subject.

"I think you may have noticed that the post on this blog scroll constantly down as new post get added."

I did notice that things scroll rapidly. There seems quite a bit out there to post. I might repost some things over to my forthcoming blog so that discussion can be carried on more easily.

"So to keep something near the top you have to post new material all the time."

I'll try to keep up. ;-)

"I was trying to ass your email address to the comment notification on blogger but they only allow one address."

Interesting idea. I'll keep the links to what I post in a folder and check on them. I have an email address on my profile for other people to contact me also.

"I am not the most computer savvy person, so who knows if this worked..."

Nope, don't think so.

3:33 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

you sure it's not working, check your mail. I was under the impression it worked. It may come as an attachment or a forward as an attachment

You might want to do a post introducing yourself, then post date it a few days into the future that way it will hang out on top for a few days. I do that whenever I find some news that I think is important enough that I want to make sure everyone sees it.

3:57 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Testing again I added both your addresses

5:57 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Ok I know it's working because I tried it with my own address and got a message

6:17 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

Well, I got it on the_grey_train, but not on the other. It showed the other on the address block, but nothing showed up. Either way, that's fine. I make sure to check both daily.

Thanks for doing that. It'll make things a bit easier. I think the reason another address block for comment notification doesn't show up for me is that it is an administrator thing.

11:32 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

No problem, did you hear the interview on that fiasco book thing on I just posted. It's a must hear thing

11:39 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

By the way Jon, when you say "it is an administrator thing" your not telling me it's a company account are you?

Little advise from you pal madtom, never blog from your job, or company account...You never know who might get pissed at your opinion, or even for the opinion that some idiot might leave on the blog which you have no control over. Another thing is that corporate America hates blogger.

If it is let me know and I will discontinue that forward.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Jon said...

"did you hear the interview on that fiasco book thing on"

I'll check it during the day tomorrow... er, today.

"when you say "it is an administrator thing" your not telling me it's a company account are you?"

Nope, I meant that it's part of your administrator's settings.

"never blog from your job, or company account"

Well, I used to post on BD from work all the time before I moved. That job had quite a bit of sitting around and waiting that it didn't matter what I did with my time as long as everything got done.

For now though, I am just a poor hobo and I don't have to worry about that stuff. ;-)

I finally got my blog active, but it's not much to see yet. So far, I am just re-posting what I'm posting here in hopes of starting some comment wars. :-)

2:11 AM  

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