Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Nomads Life...

"After the email we received from W, we called him up to check on him...He sounded much better than the email he sent, yet you can feel a twing of sadness and fear...He asked us whether we have settled down yet...whether we found jobs etc...The answer to both questions were no...Then silence...I guess he had high hopes...high hopes that 2 months after leaving Baghdad, we woulda gotten somethng by now...Little did he know that HUBBY was in a world of his own for awhile...We promised him, that as soon as we do get something we will let him know...Meanwhile we asked him if he could get a visit visa, and come here for awhile...Just a break...a break for him and his bride....A sort of honeymoon that they never got to have...The words Inshallah(God Willing) were uttered...An expression that is sometimes used when nothing WILL happen..."
Remember an ice dispenser with crushed ice...


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