Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Logic amid the sands...

"Here in the lands of sands logic continues to find very little space in our way of thinking and is had been shrinking before a language of mostly false pride, dignity and sentimental slogans.

This is not unexpected in this part of the world where, for centuries, logic was and still being cast away to prevent a confrontation with ideas that might blow up our entire set of metaphysical beliefs that were passed from one generation to the other.

Those in power are of course the top beneficiary from this marginalization of science and logic, and in fact what pushed me to write today is an article I read in al-Sharq al-Awsat yesterday.
The writer of that article sarcastically demands that fighting in Lebanon continues until Israel is thrown in the sea and the writer wonders why Arabs are calling for cease fire while "we are winning" and why should Arabs stop the fighting while "we are achieving one victory after another…don't you follow our Arab media? It's just a matter of time till we defeat our enemy so why the cease fire?!" and the writer talks about how the legends of the Israeli army is falling apart before the faithful resistance and demands that for once we continue and allow a logical outcome for the conflict and to not be fooled by a truce with the enemy once again."


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