Saturday, August 05, 2006

Israeli airstrike kills Kurds


I am wondering how many civilian deaths it has to take to kill the Iranian puppet Hezbollah. I am not anti-Israel, but I hope the air strikes stop and a ceasefire is arranged. Israel is doing what Hezbollah wants: they give prestige to them as the only one fighting against “Zionism”. Didn’t you hear all Lebanese on TV say: ”Where are the Arab countries?”. And Iran is there for them! This conflict is good for Iran, Syria. These Arab (Sunni) countries don’t want to get involved with Hezbollah and the conflict, because they are afraid of Iran and their own Shia minorities (Saudi-Arabia).

Hezbollah was set up by the Iranian revolutionary guard. This army of Iran is also responsible for the death of thousands of Kurds and Hezbollah earlier blamed the attacks on the Shia holy shrines in Iraq to the Kurdish government.

Still there is a lot of discussion going on in the Kurdish community who to support in this conflict. There is a pro-Israeli sentiment among a lot of nationalistic Kurds, but there is also an anti-Israeli sentiment among some more religious Kurds. There are several Israeli-Kurdish friendship organisations and also Turkey-Israeli friendship organisations. But a lot of the Turkish members resigned in the last couple weeks. There is no information about the Kurdish members of these kinds of organisations.

Let’s hope there these air strikes end. Because they only result into an unnecessary high amount of civilian deaths and more support for Hezbollah. It even resulted in the deaths of Kurds. Earlier KDP-Lebanon condemned the Israeli offensive."
From Holland to Kurdistan


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