Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"I designed an invitation for a Republican fundraiser, which I find ironic. I am sure there is a part of me that hates myself. I used fancy fonts to make it look classy.
Um, the media keeps saying israel is at war with *Hezbollah* not Lebanon. Then why are they attacking the infrastructure throughout the whole country of Lebanon?"
A new blog from my Newest fan, "Skizm", he's afraid of comments, but good at graphics, so I figured I would post him here so he could have a safe harbor.

I don't know there Skiz, you don't think bridges could be of use to Hizbollah?? I think we can check that one off without an explanation

Economy, Power Plants, Airports, these are easy, they all add to Hizbillahs ability to wage war and to their supporters ability to provide the tactical and logistical not to mention moral support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thx for the love. :D I did not design this particular graphic, I gaffled it from a link provided by K.
You're still a bastard, though. Nice effort justifying the points raised. However, guerillas have little or no use for airports, power plants, or the economy. If they did, they would be a standing army...I will concede the bridges, however.

10:59 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Airport's are use to move in reinforcement and equipment, and to fly hostages to parts unknown, powerplants light up the war planning and add comfort to the enemy, and the economy funds the wars.

Why in the world should the Lebanese get to go about their lives in complete comfort while their territory is being used in and offensive war on one of it's neighbors? If the Lebanese had taken control of their territory non of this would be happening, and if the Lebanese would have taken some action after the fact, if they had sent an army down south to stop the Hizbollah, maybe they could have been cut some slack, they do have an 80,000 man army. What is it for, if not to control their own territory?

12:36 PM  

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